
Posts Tagged ‘Kiwanis’

Maryville Kiwanis Club Earns Bragging Rights…Again

January 18, 2011 Leave a comment

The 2010 Red Kettle Campaign is in the books. During the six week-long campaign, there were many ebbs and flows but one thing remained contestant – the active participation of local Kiwanis clubs. Moreover, the friendly competition between clubs to raise the most money for The Salvation Army was as spirited as ever. However, it was the Maryville Kiwanis Club who raised the most money for the sixth consecutive year.

Over six days, 33 Maryville Kiwanis members plus five Kiwanis friends from the Heritage, Maryville, and Eagleton Middle Schools Builders Clubs, cheerfully rang the bells. The total amount raised was $3,580.56, slightly down from 2009’s total of $3,808.59. The Kiwanians worked in pairs which further enhanced friendships and camaraderie in the club.

Congratulations to the Maryville Kiwanis Club for another outstanding year of bell ringing. Also, thanks to all the area Kiwanis Clubs who participate year after year. Your organization is a fine example of those Doing the Most Good.